Adobe Illustrator 2019 Trial Reset (Permanent Trial Period)

Adobe Illustrator is well-known for its exceptional adaptability and vast array of capabilities. This software provides comprehensive support for creating logos, icons, illustrations, and intricate vector graphics, regardless of the design need at hand.

This article intends to examine the nuances of Adobe Illustrator 2019 Trial Reset in order to equip readers with the knowledge they need to make an informed choice.

Adobe Illustrator 2019

How To Reset Adobe Illustrator Trial OR Illustrator 2019 Never Ending Trial Period

    To extend your trial period, simply update the number in the Trial Key element in application.xml. This file can be accessed at /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC 2018/Support Files/AMT/AI/AMT. You can get there using the following command:

    cd /Applications/Adobe\ Illustrator\ */Support\ Files/AMT/AI/AMT

    Then you have to open the file and edit it. You can use just nano editor in terminal.

    sudo nano application.xml

    Now find the TrialSerialNumber Data key:

    <Data key="TrialSerialNumber">911997077777979240115317</Data>

    And increment this number by one:

    <Data key="TrialSerialNumber">911997077777979240115318</Data>

    Now exit the editor (ctrl+x), save the file (y), and press enter to confirm a revision. Now, when you relaunch Illustrator, you will be prompted to opt in, and your trial period should be extended by 7 days.

    Adobe Illustrator 2019 Trial Reset (Permanent Trial Period)

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